Silhouette Photography

For this project we had to chose to either focus on silhouette photography or nature photography. I chose to do silhouette photography because I thought it would be a more interesting experience and would help me become more creative with my shots.

To get a silhouette you need to have your subject be in front of the light whether that be natural or artificial. This first photo is of the electrical post and I took it facing the sun so that the subject would block the sun and have a clear black form.

This photo was taken during sunset which is a good time for taking silhouette photos because the sun is lower so most object are in front of the sun. this photo no only captures the tree and dock’s silhouette but also has a nice yellowish background of the sunset.

For this photo I edited it to look like it was shot on black and white film like a lot of silhouette photo references were shot in. Having your silhouette photo captured in black and white clearly shows the shadow and light showing a clear silhouette image.

For this photo I tried to get an interesting angle of the basketball hoop again the sun to capture a nice and captivating silhouette.

For this last photo I wanted to try to get a silhouette using artificial light/indoors. I used a candle as the backlight and placed an origami crane in front of it.




