Light Table Project

This project required us to learn how to use a new device to help with our creative photography. A light table is a tablet that lights up typically used for drawing and tracing. We used the light table to add interesting lighting to our photos.

I wanted to use the brightness of the light table to contrast with the necklace to give the image a silhouette.
I wanted to use the brightness of the light table to contrast with the necklace to make the image a silhouette.
For this image I tried to frame the subject with the light emitting from the light table to give it a slight glow.
I used the saran wrap to give an interesting background. The light from the table gives the substance in the bottle a blue glow.
Shooting in monochrome I could get the contrast of the light table and the hand holding the item to give the image a more minimalistic style.
The light table showed the reflection of the rubber duck giving the image symmetry.




