Capstone Project: Blog Post #1

To begin the project, I decided to take photos around Main Street in Avon Park and the Sebring Circle. I have been using my new Sony camera for my pictures, so there has been a slight learning curve when learning all the settings on the camera. My goals are to understand my camera and all its capabilities better and understand more complex Lightroom settings for editing my photos. Learning the basics of color theory can enhance my pictures and help me use masking better.

To test out my camera and take some photos I went downtown to see if there was anything I could capture. While walking down the street I saw this red bench that caught my attention because not many objects had color around where I was. I also saw an interesting metal sculpture that I thought may frame a subject in an interesting way to I decided to try to frame the bench inside the circles of the metal sculpture.

ISO 1250 f/.5 Shutter Speed 1/500 Avon Park Main Street 02-21-24

In this photo, I tried to frame the red bench inside a metal structure to make the composition more interesting and frame the subject. The reason this photo was not a success is that the image is muted due to the wrong exposure settings, and the green flower to the right of the picture can cause a distraction from the intended subject. Something I can do to change the photo is edit it to increase the exposure and use the healing tool, which allows you to remove certain things from your image. This may help show what I initially intended to capture with my shot.



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