Capstone Project: Evaluation

For my progress through my capstone project, I have taken all the photos for my final presentation. I have 10 places that I have broken my photo collection into, including the 10 best photos that I thought beset captured the identity of the place as well as the best composition wise. I have decided to present my collection as an online photo book made with Canva. I have learned a lot about editing and have found how to use the mask tool the make a certain part of my image to pop while dulling the rest of image to keep viewers focused on the subject and helping lessen distractions. I also have used Photoshop’s AI generative fill to replace certain information like license plate numbers with a blank plate for privacy reasons.

What I am going to be working on for the rest of the project is editing my photos and formatting the photo book. I need to add the location as well as the camera setting. I am also including a little blurb in each section discussing where I shot why I chose the photos for the collection and my shooting process.



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