Capstone Project: Blog Post #2

While waiting for my flight in Atlanta I sat by a window overlooking the terminal. With all the vehicles and airplanes around I got this sense of how small humans are compared to these giant machines and wanted to capture that. I waited until one of the workers was far enough away from everything else to capture the sense of isolation and show how little the human is compared to their surroundings. I feel like I succeeded in capturing the emotions I wanted to share.

ISO 320 f/5.6 shutter speed 1/1250 Atlanta 11:43am 03/24/24

While editing the photo I adjusted the image, so the subject was in the middle on the frame. I then used the masking took to darken the area around the subject but increase exposure to the subject to make the subject pop out. This was done to direct viewers eyes to the subject. I have learned how to use the masking tool and have used it a lot in other photos I have edited.



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