
In this project we were tasked on taking multiple portraits using different methods of lighting and framing techniques. This was a challenge for me because I’ve never focused on portraits before and had to learn what made a good portrait.

This first portrait uses directional lighting to create a somewhat ominous mood of the subject. ISO: 2000 f/5.6 1/320 sec

The next portrait uses soft lighting to create balance throughout the image. I wanted a happy mood so I tried to make the subject laugh to get this portrait. ISO: 100 f/5.6 1/200 sec

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to get a reflector portrait due to some issues.

For this portrait I tried to include framing techniques from the flowers to better draw your eyes to the subject. ISO: 100 f/5.6 1/250 sec

This portrait uses harsh/strong lighting to emphasize the subjects creating contrast throughout the image. IOS 100 f/5.6 1/250 sec

For this portrait I had props to better convey what the subject’s personality is like. ISO: 12800 f/6.3 1/160 sec




