Manual Mode Review

To start off the year our first project was to review what we had learned from last year’s course. We focused on aperture, shutter speed, and creative design.

These photos demonstrate shutter speed. The shutter speed is set to where you can see the action of the arm punching the punching bag. The exposure level change makes it so that the picture that is overexposed looks too bright and the picture underexposed looks too dark.

These photos demonstrate aperture. With aperture the lower the number the wider the lens opens up. With a low numbered aperture you get a shallower depth of field where as with a high numbered aperture you get a deeper depth of field. The photo underexposed takes some color away from the photo where as with the photo overexposed whitens out the photo.

In this series of images for creative liberties I wanted to test an interesting composition using aperture. I changed the aperture to blur the tangled wires in the foreground to frame the robot wheel which is the main subject of the photos. I also liked how the yellow of the wheel contrasts with the black wires around it.




