Word Safari

In this project we were tasked with choosing five adjectives from a long list, then capturing those adjectives using five images. This task was challenging for me because I felt I couldn’t capture the adjectives in a creative way.

The first word I chose was “Alert”. For this word I wanted to depict different signs and tools in our everyday life that alert us of danger or help us with staying safe. Most alerts are bright colors to signal danger so I tried to exemplify the bright colors of the signs.

The next word I chose was “Dark”. To accomplish the word dark, I shot most of these photos in the evening time or lowered the exposure setting. For the lifeguard post photo, I wanted to have the post be in almost complete darkness but have the shinning of its reflective sign be the main focus of the photo.

For my third word I picked “Mundane”. There are many definitions for mundane, so I chose the definition meaning common and every day. To depict this word, I wanted to capture everyday things in maybe a new light. My favorite photo of these is the light switch photo. Everyone passes by light switches all the time but when I saw the lighting on the light switch in that photo, I wanted to capture it.

For the word “Artful” I chose to play around with color. I wanted to have to color be the main focus of most of my photos. I also chose to play around with the shutter speed to get a blurred/staggered effect.

The last word I chose was “Natural”. For this word I tried to capture nature and natural things. I captured lightning by setting my shutter speed high to capture the exact moment of the strike. I also wanted to show the colors that nature provides us with the sunset and plants. Lastly, I took a photo of a shark at the aquarium. Although aquariums aren’t natural the animals there are a part of nature.




