Blind Photography

For our first photography project we had to be blindfolded while taking photos. While blindfolded it was hard for me to trust my step. Even though I lost my sense of sight I had my other senses to use. Touch was a vital sense to lead me. I would feel with my foot as well as my hand at time to know where I was. I used the stone path that passes through the courtyard to guide me most of the time I was photographing. I also used my hearing to let me know who I was around. I had a constant feeling of anxiety thinking I would hit a pole or trip on something. When taking photos I had low expectations on how the final piece would look. I was surprised at how the photos showed up. There were some blurry photos but most of them looked decent for being blindfolded. Since blindfolded I got interesting perspectives and pictures I wouldn’t have taken if I wasn’t blindfolded.

I chose this photo because I like how the blades of grass are the focal point while the waterfall is blurred in the background.

This photo I like because of the interesting perspective. It’s a picture of the posts on top of the picnic area.

This photo is a picture of the top of the gazebo. I edited this photo using Lightroom to capture a black and white film look.




