Self Portraits

In our final project for the semester, we were tasked with taking three self-portraits with the help of the camera’s build-in timer as well as a clicker you could use to activate the shutter button. To begin the project, we filled out 25 things that described us and to choose three to focus on. I chose adventure, humor, and doodling. This project was hard for me because I’m not well versed in self-portraits as I don’t like showing myself in the photographs I take.

The first self-portrait we had to take was one of ourselves that showcased our personality or interests. I love to travel and go places, so I chose to capture myself going down a path with a backpack to convey that. I also decided to wear casual clothes and a hoodie because I consider myself a laid-back and casual person and wanted to convey that. I took this photo by setting the timer to 10 seconds then running to place.

For my next self-portrait I chose to depict me trying to stay focused as seen on the word I edited in post on my face, but words going in one ear and out the other. This depicts the feeling I experience at school of wanting to stay focused but struggling and wandering into other thoughts. I edited the photo adding little doodles to showcase the theme.

For the last self-portrait I chose to do fantastical because I wanted to learn more about using Adobe Photoshop. For the photo I posed like a Star Wars character with a lightsaber and using the force to lift up a person. Although using Photoshop was hard and I could have probably edited the photo better, it was fun to give it a try and learn new things.




