My World

Our next photography project was to encapsulate our daily lives in just five photographs. I found it challenging to show my everyday life in 5 photographs while also putting my own artistic spin on it. I feel like I captured a sense of my day in these photographs by showing what I see and do daily.

My first photo shows where I spend most of my day, at school. This is a photo of my locker, which I use daily.

This next photo was a candid yet intentional photo. I wanted to capture someone doing schoolwork using the iPad, yet I didn’t pose them for the photo.

This photograph shows what I do after school. I come home and read a book or do schoolwork on my laptop while listening to music. I intentionally placed the object where I saw fit.

This is a photo of my classmate’s shoes. I feel this captures my daily life because I see my classmates every day. I wanted to capture a moment of my classmate without showing their face but still showing that they are a part of my daily life.

I set this photo up in an artistic way to show that I play and enjoy the clarinet. I set it up by putting sheet music behind the clarinet, showing that I enjoy the clarinet but also music itself.




