Family Heritage

In this project we had to take photos of things that encapsulated our family heritage. This project was difficult for me because my family lives far away and I found it hard to show my family heritage creatively.

This photo shows an item that has been passed down from great-grandmother. It’s a nice tea set that she used to use all the time. I set up the shot in a way to show all the components the set comes with while still making it appealing to look at.

This is a picture of a baseball and baseball gloves of my father and I. We would play catch all the time and if I ever had kids I would play catch with them too.

I tried to take a very artistic approach with this photo. I compiled a bunch of photos of my family into a collage that combined their face. I wanted to show my family and how each of us are unique.

This is my grandfather’s film camera. He got if for his high-school graduation gift. He then passed it down to my father who has now passed it to me. This shows a family air loom and well as a hobby passed down through the generations. Not only does it show an air loom but I also set it up to show photos taken from the camera.

This is a different shot of my Argus film camera. I liked this photo more than the one I used to show my family heritage but the other photo captured the connection between the camera and the family.

This is a sculpture of an inukshuk. An inukshuk originates from Canada where my mother’s side of the family is from. This not only shows part of my family heritage but also my family’s cultural heritage.




