
  • Word Safari

    In this project we were tasked with choosing five adjectives from a long list, then capturing those adjectives using five images. This task was challenging for me because I felt I couldn’t capture the adjectives in a creative way. The first word I chose was “Alert”. For this word I wanted to depict different signs…

  • Light Table Project

    This project required us to learn how to use a new device to help with our creative photography. A light table is a tablet that lights up typically used for drawing and tracing. We used the light table to add interesting lighting to our photos.

  • Manual Mode Review

    To start off the year our first project was to review what we had learned from last year’s course. We focused on aperture, shutter speed, and creative design. These photos demonstrate shutter speed. The shutter speed is set to where you can see the action of the arm punching the punching bag. The exposure level…

  • Portraits

    In this project we were tasked on taking multiple portraits using different methods of lighting and framing techniques. This was a challenge for me because I’ve never focused on portraits before and had to learn what made a good portrait. This first portrait uses directional lighting to create a somewhat ominous mood of the subject.…

  • Manual Mode Project 2

    In this project we had to take seven pictures of seven different prompts. This challenged us to be creative with our photography and to look at things from a different angle. The wood bark in the foreground creates depth in the image showing that the sprout is further in the photo instead of looking flat…

  • Manuel Mode Project 1

    In this project we were tasked with taking photos with Manuel mode and take five sets of three images focusing on a slow shutter speed, fast shutter speed, shallow depth of field, deep depth of field, and our own artistic choices. With the three photos we needed to have a perfect exposure (0), one that…