Category: Year of 2022/23

  • Portraits

    In this project we were tasked on taking multiple portraits using different methods of lighting and framing techniques. This was a challenge for me because I’ve never focused on portraits before and had to learn what made a good portrait. This first portrait uses directional lighting to create a somewhat ominous mood of the subject.…

  • Manual Mode Project 2

    In this project we had to take seven pictures of seven different prompts. This challenged us to be creative with our photography and to look at things from a different angle. The wood bark in the foreground creates depth in the image showing that the sprout is further in the photo instead of looking flat…

  • Manuel Mode Project 1

    In this project we were tasked with taking photos with Manuel mode and take five sets of three images focusing on a slow shutter speed, fast shutter speed, shallow depth of field, deep depth of field, and our own artistic choices. With the three photos we needed to have a perfect exposure (0), one that…

  • Silhouette Photography

    For this project we had to chose to either focus on silhouette photography or nature photography. I chose to do silhouette photography because I thought it would be a more interesting experience and would help me become more creative with my shots. To get a silhouette you need to have your subject be in front…

  • The Importance of ISO

    In this project we were tasked with demonstrating the affects of ISO and how changing it can affect the photo’s quality. ISO is one of the most important settings to control your photos exposure. Depending on if you’re inside or outside and if it’s bright or dim you need to change your ISO to have…

  • Shutter Speed

    In this class project, we were tasked to capture the effects of different shutter speeds. Shutter speed affects how much light the camera takes in. The faster the speed, the less light, and the slower the speed, the more light. Depending on how fast or slow your shutter speed is can also affect how blurry…

  • The Importance of Aperture

    In this project we had to take the same picture using 5 different aperture lengths, more commonly know as the f/stop. The f/stop controls the depth of field of the picture as well as how much light your lens takes in. These photos of the plant clearly shows how the depth of field changes depending…

  • Abstract Photography

    In this project, we were tasked with either capturing life in color or abstract photography. I chose to capture five abstract photos by looking at things from a different perspective. At first, I found this project hard, but as time went on, I started to see things from angles I never thought to think of.…

  • Rules of Composition

    In this project we were tasked with capturing the seven compositions rules with our iPads. Rule of Thirds Formal Balance Informal balance Leading Lines Viewpoint Inclusion and Exclusion Experimentation

  • Elements of Photography

    For this project we were task with capturing the 11 elements of photography with our iPads. Lines Line To Create Movement Color Distinguishing Shape Overlapping Shapes Contrast Through Lighting Contrast Through Color Emphasis Through Framing Emphasis Through Focus Texture Space