Family Heritage

Everyone has family heritage right? Some may be a bit more mysterious than others or not as well know, but I’m here to share mine. My heritage is one of the more shady one’s. However the military is a larger thing in my family. Other than that I know I’m Italian, sadly we never carried on any traditions.

I was able to capture my heritage using my father’s plaques, uniform, and medals from the military, my grandfather’s heirloom (the coins), and my mother’s heirloom (the ring). These things all captivate my heritage of patriotism, collectors, and jewelry making.

I feel that I could have done better with my photo’s but to be honest I didn’t have much to work with, however I think I could have incorporated more in my photos by maybe using family members more or putting these items in different environments. Also maybe use some more natural and vibrant colors for some of the photos.

(The blurry photo of my father’s uniform was on accident but I tried to use it to incorporate the blurry history with our more militaristic side.)



