Silhouette Photography

For this assignment, we were each given the choice of doing silhouette or nature photography. For either or you had to take a minimum of 50 photos and choose the 5 you think are the best. I chose silhouette, so here are my photographs.

This is a photo of a rose from a rose bush. In the background there is my driveway, basketball hoop, and the bushes that aline my driveway as well. I used the sun to overexpose the background.

This is a photo of my shadow, I thought that this was an interesting way to compose a silhouette photograph by using myself as the subject. The background is my driveway and my back is facing the sun in this picture.

This is a photo of the huge tree in my neighbor’s front yard. I used the sun to try and overexpose the background. In the background is my neighbor’s house along with their driveway.

This is a photo of the white fence near my house. I thought that the composition of this photo would make for a more mysterious and foreboding feeling. The background are a couple houses down my street.

This is a photo of my basketball’s shadow cast on a wall as it is bouncing. I am facing away from the son and using it’s light to cast the shadow. The background is my ‘garage door’.



