Capstone Project Proposal

My Vision

For my project I am focusing on nature photography. I am choosing this because even though it is simple and quite generic, there is almost an eternal beauty to it. My envision for this project is to share that beauty with others. My strategy is to take nature photos in different styles. Such as macros, filters, and other types of angles in order to make experimental and appealing photographs. In doing this, I can accomplish and make a portfolio that attracts and pleases a variety of viewers.

Research Completed

I researched many professional and amateur photographers including Ansal Adams, Marc Adamus, and Jimmy Chin. I have also watched several videos on tips and tricks for Nature Photography and Photoshop. (Sources are displayed later.)

Photographic Style and Genre

I am focusing on Nature Photography, and I will use macro, vibrant colors, and color saturation. My approach will be lifestyle and journalism. I feel like this would add a nice aesthetic and a good look to the photos. I will make my photos journalistic by using moderate tones, in lighting and focal point; thus, also putting a story behind the photo.

Tools for Research

These are the sources and videos I will use for my research on my subject.

Project Design

My project design will stay the same as the normal blog post, but I might use a few collages. I will use the photos I have taken and label them with the F-stop, ISO, and shutter speed. I’m going to use my five best photos from each photo shoot and post them in a blog post. I will make an introduction to my blog and post a photo that is labeled with F stop, ISO, and shutter speed. After the photograph I will post a short summary on how I shot the photograph and what didn’t work when I took a photo.

Summative Reflection

I will include how long it took, how stressful it was, and how I accomplished my photos. I am going to talk about my plans while going into this project, my main ideas for what I wanted my photos to tell, what worked, and what didn’t work. I will also include the type of camera I used, the settings I used to get the desired photograph, and what challenges I faced along the way of this project.



