F Stop And Aperture

For this assignment we took five sets of four photos with different F stops. This assignment was extremely interesting because it messed around with lighting and the shadows of the photo. This allowed for a variety in our photos, even though they are of the same objects.

With these photos you can see that as I raised the F stop the camera lenses on the phone became more blurry and the photo focused more on the the yellow coloring on the phone case.

With these photos the image seemed to be darker and more focused on everything in the photo. As the F stop rises the photos became lighter and focused more on the alarm clock.

In these photos the lightbulb shines more intensely as the F stop rises and is dimmer when F stop is low. As well as the background being darker around the fan when the F stop is low.

For these photos you can see that as the F stop goes up it brightened the light on the mic, and the shine from the light becomes more prominent.



