Shutter Speed

For this assignment we were instructed to take five photographs of the the same thing at different shutter speed.

For this photo the shutter speed is 1/100. Since the shutter speed is lower it can’t capture the motion of water as well but also makes the photo lighter.

The shutter speed of this photo is 1/400. As you can see the photo does not let as much light in as the previous and the water’s motion has become more clear.

Shutter Speed is 1/1000. The photo has become a bit of a colder tone, the first photo had much warmer colors to it. The ripples in the water also seem to have been captured better by the camera.

This photo’s shutter speed is 1/2500. The upper-right-hand side corner of the photo has become much lighter and the reflection in the water, from the sun is more prominent.

This photo was taken with a shutter speed of 1/4000. Thus, the photo’s colors are colder, and are not as warm as the first two, while the ripples and the election of the water steadily became more drastic. The photo has also captured the detail of the ripples in the water much better.



