Photo Safari Excursion

For this assignment, we told to pick five words from a list and gather five photos for each word. The words varied. The words I chose were texture, nature, chaos, monochrome, and colossal.





Progress on how I took these photos:

I scoped around my school’s campus in search of things to represent my words. I used my hand and put it between the thing I wanted to get texture picture of so that my camera could focus really well on it. With monochrome I tried to use some framing and a portrait to play around with it. Colossal I used the oak trees around the gym as well as the Cross in the courtyard. I angled my camera upwards from the base of the object in order to create a good depth of field to make it seem larger. Finally, for nature I used the water droplets on some plants in order to get a better shot, and I also tried to use some multicolored plants to make the photos more interesting.



