Blogs From the Journey Through Photography

  • Photo Safari Excursion

    For this assignment, we told to pick five words from a list and gather five photos for each word. The words varied. The words I chose were texture, nature, chaos, monochrome, and colossal. Colossal: Nature: Texture: Monochrome: Progress on how I took these photos: I scoped around my school’s campus in search of things to…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WMA Students Sites. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

  • Light Table Project

    For this project we were assigned to use a light table in order take five bracketed sets of photos. We had to choose three sets out of the five and publish them with this blog post. Set 1 F 8 | ISO 100 | 1/125 | +1 F 8 | ISO 100 | 1/125 |…

  • Manual Mode Review

    For this project we were assigned to take 3 series’s of photos. One prioritizing shutter speed, another aperture, and the last prioritizing either one but with an artistic spin. Series 1 : Shutter Speed Series 2 : Aperture Series 3 : Artistic Spin Series 1 : For series one as the exposure decreased you can…

  • Portrait Project

    For this task we were instructed to take six portrait photos. Each with their own backgrounds and contrasts. (Reflector photo not done because the reflector is missing.) For this portrait I did, I used soft lighting and a natural background. I had Santiago sit underneath the Gazebo and sit on the bench facing away from…

  • Manual Mode Project 2

    For this project, I was assigned the task of taking multiple photos that either incorporated or conveyed a certain subject. The subjects were take a photo with strong foreground interest, an image that conveys drama, image that conveys solitude, an image that incorporates movement, an image in black and white, an image that breaks the…

  • Manual Mode Project

    For this project, my peer’s and I were assigned a task that required us to work in the Manual Mode of our cameras. We were supposed to set our exposure for each picture in our series at -1, then 0, and finally +1 for each photo. We were supposed to have taken five series; one…

  • Silhouette Photography

    For this assignment, we were each given the choice of doing silhouette or nature photography. For either or you had to take a minimum of 50 photos and choose the 5 you think are the best. I chose silhouette, so here are my photographs. This is a photo of a rose from a rose bush.…

  • ISO Project

    For this assignment we were each assigned to take a photo of a subject from both inside and outside seven times and raising the ISO gradually with every photo. As we gradually raise the ISO the image becomes sharper and the quality of the photo becomes much more clear. However even as the ISO is…

  • Shutter Speed

    For this assignment we were instructed to take five photographs of the the same thing at different shutter speed. For this photo the shutter speed is 1/100. Since the shutter speed is lower it can’t capture the motion of water as well but also makes the photo lighter. The shutter speed of this photo is…

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