Blogs From the Journey Through Photography

  • F Stop And Aperture

    For this assignment we took five sets of four photos with different F stops. This assignment was extremely interesting because it messed around with lighting and the shadows of the photo. This allowed for a variety in our photos, even though they are of the same objects. For these photos you can see that as…

  • Life in Color

    This assignment was about life in color or through abstract photos. I chose to do color because I liked the idea of color more, and I thought that my better judgment lied there anyways. We were tasked to take at least 50 photos and choose the 5 we thought were best. For this photo, I…

  • Rules of Composition Scavenger Hunt

    Leading Lines Formal Balance Informal Balance Rule of Thirds Inclusion View point Experimentation

  • Elements of Photography Scavenger Hunt

    2. Line to incorporate movement 3. Color: Choose how color is incorporated 4. Shape: One example of distinguishing shapes 5. Shape: One example of overlapping shapes 6. Contrast through size 7. Contrast through Color 8. Emphasis through framing 9. Emphasis though positioning 10. Texture: Choose how texture is incorporated 11. Space: You choose how space…

  • Family Heritage

    Everyone has family heritage right? Some may be a bit more mysterious than others or not as well know, but I’m here to share mine. My heritage is one of the more shady one’s. However the military is a larger thing in my family. Other than that I know I’m Italian, sadly we never carried…

  • “My World”

    My class and I decided to take five pictures of things that are in the daily life that we love. Daily, I drive, see my dog, eat at least one salad, play on my computer, and see my favorite person. I was able to capture the main parts of my day that I am most…

  • Blind Photography

    Today I did a project called “Blind Photography.” We took photos blind and are choosing three photos we took to post and share with all of you. I felt kind of nervous doing the photoshoot and a little excited at the same time. I followed my hearing and smell; it smelled a lot more like…

  • Hello World!

    Welcome to my first blog post with WordPress! I will post things with my cite and share the photographs I take, and I will be showing my progress with photography. Here I will become more of a photographer and show that you can be one too.

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