My World

The purpose of this assignment was to capture moments of my daily routine. I wake up early every day to dedicate it to myself, to make myself pretty before school. When I get to school, I do my work and hang out with my friends. When I get home, I finish my schoolwork. I spend time with my cat, my family, a book, or music for entertainment. To capture a sense of my day in five photographs, I simplified my daily schedule and took pictures of what was meaningful to me. I create a candid yet intentional photo by creating a picture in my mind and trying to recreate it as perfectly as possible. Experimenting with how you take pictures will make them look unique. For example, I changed the shutter speed in the picture with my cat and my sister to add a cool motion effect.

I chose to take a picture of myself in the mirror because that’s what I do when I wake up. I take the time in my morning to prepare myself.

I chose to picture my reflection on my iPad because that is where most of my school work is.

Another part of my school day is talking to my friends. I made the shoes face each other to represent us talking. When you speak to someone, it is polite to face them.

For this one, I took a picture of my sister and my cat playing. This is one of my favorite activities when I get home. I wanted to capture my cat in action, so I changed the shutter speed.

The book here symbolizes two things, my love for reading and academics. To demonstrate that I like to listen to music, I purposefully turned on my phone to show what I was listening to.



