Manual Mode Project 2

In this project, we practiced our manual mode skills. We were instructed to take a photograph with a strong foreground interest, one that conveys drama, one that conveys solitude, one that incorporates movement, one in black and white, one that breaks photography rules, and one using reflections.

1/80 sec at f/5.6. I got really close to a skull and focused on the one closer to me. Which made the one beside it blurry.

1/30 sec at f/4.5. I laid on the stairs and had a classmate of mine hold a locket. I told her to make her hand as limp as she can.
1/160 sec at f/7.1. I got a soccer ball and put it somewhere that didn’t have a lot of objects near it. Then I put my camera in the grass.
1/100 sec at f/5.6. I decided to capture the movement of the rain.
1/80 sec at f/5.6. I just pointed my camera downward to capture the Christmas lights.
1/60 sec at f/5.6. I took a blurry closeup of a sphere, with the flash on.
1/50 sec at f/5.6.



