Portrait Project

For this project, we had to take portrait pictures in different styles. Portrait photographs focus on what people and eyes. The two styles Facial portraits and Environmental portraits have their own categories.

Directional Light

ISO400, f3.5, 1/30s

For this portrait, I shined my phone’s flashlight below my subject to cast an interesting shadow.

Soft Light

ISO500, f4.5, 1/40s

For this portrait, I used the natural lighting that was around me.


ISO640, f4, 1/40s

For this portrait, Iput a white reflective surfac near my subject’s face to lighten it up.


ISO1000, f4, 1/40s

For this portrait, I used an empty picture frame.

Strong Lighting

ISO400, f4, 1/50s

For this portrait, I put my subject into a harsh lighting setting to show the contrast of light and dark on her face.


ISO200, f3.5, 1/30s

For this portrait, I used props to make it more interesting. I set her next to a table of trinkets and gave her a doll to hold.



