Selfies with a Twist

For this project, we had to turn our cameras towards ourselves and take some selfies. The requirement was a standard selfie, a self-portrait with text, a conceptual portrait, and fantastical portrait. We had to take a standard selfie, so we only had to choose two others. I wanted to capture my interest in makeup, clothes and art. The supplies that I used are my camera, phone, an image scanner, Picsart, Canva, and a telephone.

The first requirement was a standard selfie. I took this one on my phone while looking at myself.

ISO 800, f/2.2, 1/15 sec

While researching selfies, I found an interesting concept of using an image scanner to take pictures of themselves and objects that the person always has. I gathered objects that I usually use and some that represent things I like. I like makeup, so I included my favorite blush and lipstick. I combined my love for reading and Edgar Allen Poe with the book. I showed my passion for music by having something that lets me listen whenever possible. I also put my favorite perfume, necklaces, and pen.

For my last and favorite selfie, I combined the option for a selfie with text and a fantasy selfie. I did this by doing SFX makeup to make me look like a patchwork doll (and wearing contacts), including a telephone, and creating a fake advertisement to tie the theme together. In the ad, I made a universe where toys come to life. I took inspiration from old telephone advertisements to show my interest in vintage things.

I’m going to post the image again under this because I’m really proud of it.



