Capstone Project Blog Post 2

Having finished my first project, I quickly began working on the second and final one. I built the dollhouse, painted some furniture, and started setting the floor down. I have a lot of measuring and printing to do. I now fully understand that dollhouse-making is a long process that takes a lot of effort and creativity. My method for taking pictures is to ensure that the steps I take are appropriately shown so that the viewer can feel like they are building it with me. I take pictures of my progress every time I finish a big step. Some things that haven’t worked while taking photographs are the lighting and composition. I have fixed this by having a lamp shining onto the house, which makes the background darker and less noticeable.

<– ISO 160, f/4, 1/40 sec

I took this in my room, and I wanted to show the tools I used for measuring and cutting floors.



