
Summative Reflection

            Since the beginning of semester 2, I have learned more about the types of photography I enjoy. I have learned new techniques, from lighting to making a miniature curtain look more life-like. Collaborating with my friends and dressing them up was a good experience, and it has helped me work with models. I have learned to communicate better what my vision for the photoshoot should have been to create the best outcome. I have learned the importance of working with locations and being flexible regarding lighting and posing.

            I had issues with creating the magazine/photo book and working with miniatures. With a magazine, you have to make sure that each page fits and has a concise theme that it follows. Everything down to the font size and color is essential and can throw the whole page off. I mainly struggled with the writing portion and the visual elements that should be included on the pages. When working with miniatures, you have to be very careful and gentle. I struggled with things falling and balancing colors out. I struggled with lighting when taking pictures and needed my sibling to help me.

           Overall, the final projects were a success. I spent a lot of time and energy on both and ensured that everything was as high quality as I wanted. Both projects show my knowledge and talents in interiors and fashion photography.

Natalie's Photography

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