My Heritage

I decided to show my heritage through an object passed down, religion, cooking, art, and a game that everyone in my family has learned to play. I captured a sense of my heritage by including young and older people from my family together. I created an intentional photograph by reflecting on the theme in order to find creative ways to display my heritage, drawing a layout of what I wanted to capture, and telling the subjects what to do and how to pose. To put an artistic spin on a photograph of your heritage, you can capture motion by slowing the shutter speed to indicate movement, adding various colors, including every generation in a photo, and intentionally adding symbolism in the frame.

I captured my dad giving the angel figure to my niece to show that it gets passed down to the youngest.

This photograph shows that both sides of my family have passed down religion for generations. I had my mom represent the older generation and wanted to display items of the denomination that she was a part of when she was my sister’s age. My sister represents our modern practice of religion.

Food is an important part of my heritage and culture. In this picture, I had my mom show a favorite staple food to three generations. I wanted all of them to look at the food.

My family is full of artists, so I wanted to show all the art forms that are a part of my heritage.

Dominoes is a traditional game that comes from the Dominican and Puertorican sides of my family. This is a game that we take very seriously and gets taught to the younger generation. I chose this picture because my niece is looking at my dad, who is teaching her how to play.



