Category: Uncategorized

  • light painting

    Light painting is a process in which the shutter speed of a camera is held open in a dark space while light is in specific areas to form a design. For this assignment, we had to make a very intentional use of light to produce paintings and write words. This was done mainly using glow…

  • Photo Safari Excursion

    For this assignment, we went on a hunt for five adjectives of our choosing. The adjectives we chose should inspire poetic imagery and be able to illustrate the meaning of the words.

  • Light Table Project

    For this project, we used a light table with our subjects being translucent items. We needed to focus oin the details, make sure to set an aperture of f/8, and have an exposure compensation of +1 through +3. For this photograph, my subject were heart shaped stickers. I shot the image by folding the sticker…

  • Portrait Project

    For this project, we had to take portrait pictures in different styles. Portrait photographs focus on what people and eyes. The two styles Facial portraits and Environmental portraits have their own categories. Directional Light ISO400, f3.5, 1/30s For this portrait, I shined my phone’s flashlight below my subject to cast an interesting shadow. Soft Light…

  • Manual Mode Project 2

    In this project, we practiced our manual mode skills. We were instructed to take a photograph with a strong foreground interest, one that conveys drama, one that conveys solitude, one that incorporates movement, one in black and white, one that breaks photography rules, and one using reflections.

  • Manual Mode

    In this project, we were instructed to use manual mode for five series. Each series needed three pictures with different light meters (-1, 0,+1). Fast Shutter Speed Slow Shutter Speed Deep Depth of Field Shallow Depth of Field Artistic

  • Exposure: Nature

    In this assignment, we looked at exposure and I chose to capture nature. Exposure controls the amount of light in a photograph. I needed to find things in nature and photograph them in a way that I haven’t seen before.

  • ISO Project

    In this project, we played around with the ISO settings and compared them. We had to take 7 pictures outside and 7 inside. In a dark location, you would use a higher ISO setting. In a brighter location, you would use a lower setting.

  • Shutter Speed

    In this project, we analyzed changing the camera’s shutter speed and seeing how motion gets captured on the different numbers. Fast speeds will freeze the motion in time, while slow speeds blur that motion. To do this, we changed the camera’s mode to Tv or S, which means Shutter Speed Priority and taking a picture…

  • Depth of Field

    This assignment required us to change our camera’s f-stop number to experiment with the depth of field. If the number is low, the camera’s aperture is more open. This allows more light to pass through and creates a picture focusing only on the subject while blurring the background. When the f-stop number is high, the…