F Stop And Aperture

Welcome back everyone for today’s new blog post. In today’s post, I will be showing you five sets of four photos with different F Stops. Changing the F Stops was really interesting because changing the F Stops makes the photographs appear further or closer away and can make the lighting look different and can change what captures the eye of your audience.

Here on the left is set 1 out of five, as you can see I took four different photographs but each of these photographs has different F Stops. But one thing you may not notice is that in each of these photographs, I’m taking them all at the same distance but with the change in F Stops they appear closer or further away.

The photograph of the gym was taken at F 4.5 The photograph of the bus was taken at F 6.5

The photograph of the sunflowers was taken at F 11. Lastly, the photograph of the pond was taken at F 13.

Here is my second set of photographs in this set I was shooting the same distance taking these photographs just like I did in set 1.

After looking at these photographs I was surprised by how they turned out and this difference in the photographs was all because of the different F Stops. The photograph of the cars was taken at F 20, the photograph of the hay bells was taken at F 4.5, the photograph of the basketball hoop was taken at F 4.5, and lastly, the photograph of the dirt road was taken at F 9.0.

As you can see here this is my third set in this set I had to find good angles to shoot my photographs at and I had to focus on lighting also because I wanted to see my photos look appealing to my audience. The photograph of the tire swing was taken at F 7.1, The photograph of the front yard was taken at F 11, photograph of my father’s tractor was taking a F 5.6, lastly, the photograph of the pasture was taken at a 7.1.

Here is my fourth set for these photographs I had to capture my photos in the right moment like for instance the squirrel, and the photos of the pigs. I shot all these photographs at the same distance just like I have done for every previous set, but I did have to zoom in to capture the photograph capturing the squirrel on the pole.

For the photograph of the squirrel, I took it at F 18, the photograph of the little hogs was taken at F 18, the photograph of the big hog was taken at F 10. Lastly, the photograph of the outside swing was taken at F 13.

Lastly, this is my fifth set as you can tell by every photograph in the previous sets I changed numbers drastically with the different F Stops and tried to notice a difference in my photographs. So that is exactly what I did in this set as well. I shot these photographs at the same distance but except I changed the F Stops.

I took the photograph of my tv and gaming console at F 4.0, the photograph of my shoes and the shoe box was taken at F 4.5, the photograph of my bathroom was taken at F 3.5. Lastly, the photograph of the painting on the wall was taken at F 16.



