Portrait Project

Hello everyone, and welcome back to todays post. In this post, I focused on portraits. In my portraits I focused on environmental portraits, and indoor portraits consisting of strong lighting and low light.

In this photograph, I used my classmate’s face as my portrait, and I used an environmental portrait with him using a basketball as a prop because he enjoys basketball. Also, in this portrait I used strong lighting with the sunlight shining on him.
In this portrait, I captured another shot of Dylan from a different angle still capturing strong lighting. Meanwhile capturing an environmental portrait.
In this portrait, I took this photograph by incorporating strong lighting, by using a black background using a reflected to reflect the light on Dylan’s face.
In this portrait, I took an indoor shot of Dylan using his notebook as a prop indicating that he attends school. And for this I used soft lighting from the classroom on his face.
In this photograph, I cropped the image because there was a lot of background interference. But in this portrait I wanted to incorporate directional lighting because the sun lighting is coming directionally from behind him.
In this portrait I captured Dylan in the classroom but in this photograph I made his face appear dark to create a mood of “darkness”, or if he were a “lone wolf”. In this portrait I used soft lighting because, I didn’t want to make the portrait appear “happy”.



