Manual Mode Review

Hello, everyone and welcome back for today’s blog posts. In today’s post, I will be showing you three series of photograph’s I took by prioritizing, shutter speed, aperture, and artistic decision based on either shutter speed, or aperture with bracket photographs using -1 or +1.

Section 1:

Shutter Speed

In this section, I prioritized the usage of shutter speed by experimenting with a fast, and slow shutter speed trying to freeze the waterfall, and make it look still. Also, while trying to capture the waterfall to look blurry on purpose with a slower shutter speed.

Section 2:


In this section I prioritized the usage of aperture by experimenting with a higher aperture which eliminates light coming in, and by creating a higher depth of field so you can see the background of the image without a blur. Also, I used a lower aperture which makes my image have less depth of field, therefore making the background blurry and taking your eye off my subject which is the lizard sitting on top of the eagle.

Section 3:

Artistic Decision playing with exposer using aperture.

In this section I took these last three photographs by prioritizing the exposure by experimenting with -1 and +1. Meanwhile, I used a higher and lower aperture just how I explained in the previous bracket to make the subject of my image which is the leaf design on the walkway on our school’s prayer garden come into focus with a higher depth of field. Also, by making the subject of my image appear blurry with a lower depth of field creating more lighting into my frame causing blur.



