Light Writing and Light Painting Project

Hello everyone, and welcome back to today’s new post. In today’s post, I worked with light writing and light painting by using light sources in a darkened room to help create a visual image of pictures or drawings.

Light Writing:

In the first two photographs above, I tried to demonstrate light writing by thinking of two words I could use, such as my name and the word cat; writing my name and the word cat was difficult for me because sometimes the word would come out backward or my image would look just straight black. To overcome this, I tried multiple times until I could write my name correctly, until it wasn’t backward, and with the word cat also. And I also made sure to adjust my camera to the proper settings to avoid a fully blacked-out image.

Light Painting:

In these final two photographs, I was trying to demonstrate light painting by coming up with various ideas about what I wanted to paint. After lots of thinking, I decided to try and light paint an image of stars in the sky, and I tried to light paint a skeleton. The difficulties I faced in this were that I often failed when trying to draw the structure of the skeleton because the head was off or the body needed to fit into the frame. As for the stars, it was difficult because I would mess up trying to paint stars, or the stars were all over the place and out of frame. To fix this, I kept practicing until I could finally light paint the stars in the sky clearly so my viewers could tell what I was trying to do. As for the skeleton, I also kept practicing until I could get the skeleton’s body clearly in the frame.



