Selfies with a Twist

Hello everyone, and welcome back for today’s post. In today’s post, I worked with self-portraits to help my viewers get more acquainted with me and help them understand. Which props and surrounding environment to my viewers about myself. In this project, I chose three of twenty-five things about myself to portray throughout my photography. Down below is a list of the twenty-five things about me.

  1. I enjoy playing basketball.
  2. I like playing video games.
  3. My favorite color is red.
  4. I like to explore by climbing trees, or walking in the wilderness.
  5. I like listening to music.
  6. I go to church.
  7. I have no siblings.
  8. I like drawing.
  9. I like working out.
  10. I live in Florida
  11. I am a student at WMA.
  12. I like science.
  13. I like listening/watching horror
  14. I like listening/ watching action
  15. I own cattle
  16. I like Japanese food.
  17. I live in the out in the countryside.
  18. I have three dogs.
  19. I like Marvel.
  20. I like watching movies.
  21. I enjoy hanging out with friends.
  22. I like basketball.
  23. I like online shopping.
  24. I like spicy food.
  25. I like to watch youtube.

The three things that inspired me to take these selfies were the words student, basketball, and the fireplace. These things inspired me because I wanted my photographs to help tell a story, give more insight about me to my viewers, and see the things incorporated into my life.

Standard Selfie :

In this photograph, I took a standard selfie from the bathroom mirror in my home with my uniform on and my school’s name and logo to show that I am a Walker Memorial Academy student.

Conceptual Portrait:

In this photograph, I took a conceptual selfie, which is a selfie that does not show my face, but I incorporated the prop of a basketball going into the net on the hoop to show that I enjoy playing basketball. To capture this shot, I set my camera to shutter speed priority, and I used multiple shot mode rather than singular shot mode, so when I threw the ball up, it captured and froze the basketball going into the net.

Self-portrait with text:

In this photograph, I captured myself sitting in my living room next to the fireplace, and I put the word fireplace in my portrait to show text indicating I’m sitting next to a fireplace.



