Capstone Project Evaluation #2

Hello everyone, and welcome back for today’s post. In today’s post, I will update you on where I’m at in my project with the help of my project proposal.

My Vision and Strategy

So, for my vision and strategy, remember that in my proposal at the start of this project, I talked about how I want to open my viewers’ eyes to the true beauty of the natural world. A month into this project, I’m slowly developing a better understanding of how I can portray the natural world to my viewers with the power of the camera knowledge by understanding what settings I need or the specific lens I should use. I am also developing a better understanding of my environment by knowing where I’m at and what types of things I’ll see. Lastly, I can now look at a landscape and envision how I want my image to turn out or what I’m trying to represent.

My Struggles

However, I’ve been watching video tutorials and techniques on operating the camera and learning to portray the natural world to my viewers in a way that opens their eyes to the true beauty we may not see. I still need to work and improve on shooting images at different locations. This project’s been a little tricky since I go to school all day and can’t shoot around campus that much, so I go straight home. After a while, just taking pictures around my home gets boring since my viewers have already seen previous works of mine around my house. I think my job at portraying the natural world would be more effective if I were to get out and shoot images at various locations rather than just the same old one.



