Capstone Project: Blog Post #2

Hello everyone, and welcome back to today’s post. In today’s post, I will update my viewers on how I’m doing in my project compared to last week.

My Process and Procedures:

As I talked about last week, my process is that I am going to take photographs of nature and landscapes, and I will specialize in those genres and get stronger in them. As for my procedures, I started to watch multiple tutorials and kept practicing messing with different camera settings and using angles.

What Was My Goal?

In my previous post, I talked about how my goal was to capture the natural world within my photographs to tell a story and open my viewer’s eyes to the true beauty of nature and landscapes we may fail to see.

What Was Learned?

After watching multiple tutorials on how to shoot Nature and Landscape photography, I learned that many tools tie into Nature and Landscape photography, such as the usage of angles and understanding your surroundings. I realized it’s more complex than people may think it is. However, many different factors come into play in nature and landscape photography. One major factor that stuck out to me during this project was the use of patience because many times during this project, I would feel bored or didn’t care to wait and try to capture a photograph since I always wanted to be in a rush and move on with my day. But I realized that having patience helps a lot so you can be calm and understand your surroundings and that everything seems to feel more peaceful when you are still. Lastly, when you are relaxed, it helps take your mind off distractions. It also makes the nature and landscapes surrounding you seem much more attractive than when your mind is focused on rushing.

In this photograph above, this image was shot in my front yard around 4:00 pm after school. I wanted to capture the bee sitting on top of the little white flower, surrounded by the grass and leaves. However, I realized it was much easier to capture the bee using a macro lens, which helped to magnify my subject and bring its details far more into focus. I also realized that the image had the distraction of all the green leaves and flowers surrounding it, making my viewers focus more on the background rather than my subject.

Photograph Specs:

Iso: 100



1/250 Sec

So, to adjust the photograph, as you can see, I made sure to crop out all the extra distractions of the leaves and flowers and mainly get the bee into focus. One thing I still lacked was the usage of a macro lens, but with editing, I could still brighten the color of the bee by raising the exposure and making the leaves a little less bright so it wouldn’t drown out the focus on the bee.

Photograph Specs:

Iso: 100



1/250 Sec



