Capstone Project: Evaluation #3

Hello, everyone, and welcome back for today’s post. Today’s post will be an evaluation post where I update you all on where I’m currently headed in my project as it ends.

My Struggles

Currently, I’ve overcome many struggles in my project. For instance, at the beginning of this project, I struggled to open my viewer’s eyes to the world’s true beauty. But now, as I have come a long way and watched tutorials and practiced multiple times, I see how I can bring my photographs to life and portray the beauty of the natural world stronger. For instance, when I started this project, I couldn’t think of how I wanted to portray the beauty of the natural world. But now, I can look at a particular landscape or area and get an idea in my head of how I want to portray the beauty of a certain area or landscape. 

What I’ve Learned

What I’ve learned after being into this project is that I’ve learned how to be more confident within my shots and to be more creative because, at the beginning of this project, I had little confidence in my pictures and never thought out-of-the-box and tried to be innovative in a way that opens my viewer’s eye. But now, I’ve learned how to take more unique shots within my photographs to portray the beauty of the natural world. I’ve also come a long way in learning how to use the camera, what settings work best for certain conditions, and how to properly take care of the camera. Lastly, I learned a lot about the use of editing, how I take a plain, dull photograph and play around with specific saturation settings, and how to bring my subjects into focus, brighten the image, and make my pictures come to life.



