Tommy’s Blind Photography

Hello everyone, and welcome back for today’s new post today’s post I’m going to show everyone my three best photographs token while blindfolded.

So as you can see from above those are my best three photographs I captured while being blindfolded.

Now you may be asking what did I feel during this photo shoot? During this photoshoot, I felt excited and worried at the same time because I’ve never taken photos while being blind which was exciting for me. And lastly I was worried because, I didn’t want to bump into anything while I was blindfolded.

What I was following during this whole photo shoot, was my senses, to help know where I was I had to rely on my sound, and touch while being blindfolded I would stop and listen to my surroundings and then try and sense where I was with touch to know where I am and what I was touching.

Now you’re probably like well Tommy was it hard to follow you’re senses? Yes, it was pretty hard trying to trust my senses around me even with stopping and trying to listen around my environment, I still managed to snap a picture of something completely random. And with the sense of touch, I managed to get around alright with my touch.

Lastly, after looking at the photographs I took while being blindfolded, I was surprised that my photographs didn’t come out all blurry. Also, I was surprised that using my senses helped me to get around.



