Tommy’s Elements Scavenger Hunt

This is a photograph capturing how line is incorporated and how I took this is I noticed the lines in the wall in the side of my house shows how line is incorporated through the design of the lines on the wall.

This is another example of a line photograph I captured of my ceiling fan representing movement.

Here is a photograph capturing how color is incorporated and I took a picture of the plant pot because I noticed it had many various colors and that’s why I chose this photograph to represent color.

This is a photograph representing distinguishing shapes and I took a picture of my led strips because I noticed the pattern of which they were layed across my bed frame had an unusual bumpy shape which represents a distinguishing shape.

Here is another photograph I captured showing overlapping shapes and I chose my butterfly knife because I noticed the design of the knife had a pattern of holes in the base and the blade which represents overlapping shapes.

This is a photograph representing contrast through size so how I did this is I took a low shot at an angle and made one of the weights appear much larger than the other so this represents contrast through size.

This photograph represents contrast through color so how I took this is I chose two different hats that were much different in color to represent contrast through color.

This is a photograph representing emphasis through framing and I thought of this idea by taking my hand and taking a shot of the clock on the wall making the clock appear tinier between my fingers.

Here is another photograph representing emphasis through positing and I took this by positing each of the three pens together.

This is a photograph representing texture so what I did is I took a peace of wood from our fire place and got a close up on the bump ruff texture of the wood to make the texture of it stand out.

Lastly, this is a photograph representing space so how I took this is I took this photograph at a diagonal angle making the hallway look very long and wide from where I was standing making it appear more “spacy”.



