Rules Of Composition Scavenger Hunt

This is my rule of thirds picture. This shows rule of thirds because you can see the light post isn’t directly in the middle of the picture.
This is my example of symmetrical formal balance. I put two M&Ms together one M&M had one half of the screen and the other M&M had the other half. The M&Ms had the exact placement with good balance.
This is my asymmetrical informal balance picture. The squares on my bed frame are not the same size in this picture some are bigger some are smaller which causes some imbalance.
This is the leading lines photo you see there are many lines that draw your eyes the first thing you see in this picture are lines.
My inclusion picture. You see the pretty sky but multiple mergers are in the way.
This is my exclusion photo. I edited the trees, lightpost, and any other thing that was in the way of my sky photo. That made it so nothing can distract from the focal point of my picture.
This is my experimental picture. I wanted to try something new I saw many pretty different colors so I put my iPad closer to the paint bottles but towards the side a little to get the entire isle of the many paint bottles.



