Portrait Project

For this assignment I had to take six different portrait shots in manual mode. Three were environmental and the other three were facial/close ups. The photos I took had to represent directional light, soft light, reflector, framing, strong lighting, and including props. I used my classmates in my photography class as models.

This is the picture I took for directional lighting. You can see that the light is only hitting one side of his face which makes that directional lighting. My ISO was 3200, my aperture was 5.6, and my shutter speed was 320.
This is the picture I took for props that describe a person. This girl likes reading so I asked to take a picture of her sitting down while she’s reading her book. My ISO was 50, my aperture was 5.6, and my shutter speed was 60.
This is the picture I took for soft light. you can see that the light is reflecting softly onto Rihanna. My ISO was 50, my aperture was 3.5, and my shutter speed was 4.
This is my picture for reflector. I used the reflector to get this picture and you can see the gold tint reflecting off of Tommy’s face. My ISO was 12800, my aperture was 14, and my shutter speed was 200.
This is the picture I took for strong lighting. You can see the lighting is directly on his face. My ISO was 100, my aperture was 5.6, And my shutter speed was 800.
This is the picture I took for framing. You can see the plants around Rihanna are like a frame around her. My ISO was 50, my aperture was 8, and my shutter speed was 8.



