Aperture/f-stop/Depth of field

These photos I took are 4 sets of different pictures with different f-stops the lower the photos got the brighter they were and the photos that were more clear got darker.

This is a picture of the gate by the school parking lot. You can see the big changes in each picture. The two blurry pictures have a F-stop lower then 12, and the pictures over 12 f-stop are more clear and less blurry then the other two.
This is a picture of the sunflower in the school garden. You can see that the two blurry pictures are under the 12 f-stop and the other two are higher then 12 so there more clear.
This is a picture of a seashell. You see that the pictures under 12 are not as clear as the ones above 12. One picture has a blurry background but more focused on the seashell.
This is a picture of a orange flower. You can see that f8 is way more blurry then the other even the background it’s not as focused as the rest of the pictures



