Category: Uncategorized

  • Capstone Project Blog Post 2

    My process for taking the final pictures of my dollhouse was to show the rooms as if the viewer were them. Another goal was to show details. I had to be on the floor and have someone hold a light for me. I learned that trying to illuminate a small space while taking pictures with…

  • Capstone Project Blog Post 2

    My procedure for this final project is to take pictures of my progress with the dollhouse. Whenever I make or paint something, I take a picture of the object and the tools I used to do it. My goal is to show the building and decorating progress properly. When I finish building, I will take…

  • Capstone Project Evaluation #3

    Concerning my proposal, I have done well with creating the dollhouse, although I have had a problem. My project is slowing down due to my budget for this project running out. I have spent a little over $300 on it and still need supplies. I have begun to get creative with what I still need…

  • Capstone Project Blog Post 2

    Having finished my first project, I quickly began working on the second and final one. I built the dollhouse, painted some furniture, and started setting the floor down. I have a lot of measuring and printing to do. I now fully understand that dollhouse-making is a long process that takes a lot of effort and…

  • Capstone Project update

    I have finally finished and published my fashion photography project and have posted it on the Projects page. There, you can find a link to the magazine and read it. I am now taking pictures of my next project, interior photography. I bought a dollhouse and a miniature room and started building and painting them.…

  • Timeline of Interior Photography Project

    Today, I will be presenting my progress for my interior photography project. <– ISO 100, f/10, 1/200 sec In this picture, I was capturing the first pieces of furniture that I would spray paint. These pieces were the successful ones because they took the color well. I decided to include the equipment that I used…

  • Capstone Project Blog Post 1

    We have been working on one of our final photography projects. For this quarter, I am doing fashion photography—the photographs I take focus on the clothing, environment, accessories, and makeup. The photoshoots have a conceptual story element to them. I took pictures in public spaces that were interesting to photograph. This includes a park, an…

  • Capstone Project Proposal

    Vision and Strategy My vision for my fashion photography project is contrast, specifically contrasting aesthetics. I want to combine vintage, light palettes and dark, edgy fashions. This concept interests me because I believe that it is unique. I want to blend the aesthetics in a pleasing and eye-catching way. I am planning on making a…

  • Photography Genres and Photographers

    For this assignment, we did research for an upcoming project. We each got to choose one to two genres of photography to focus on for the remainder of the school year. I decided to focus on Fashion and Interior Design photography. Fashion Photography Fashion photography is a genre of photography that focuses on clothing and…

  • Selfies with a Twist

    For this project, we had to turn our cameras towards ourselves and take some selfies. The requirement was a standard selfie, a self-portrait with text, a conceptual portrait, and fantastical portrait. We had to take a standard selfie, so we only had to choose two others. I wanted to capture my interest in makeup, clothes…