Blind Photography

While doing the blind photography project was kind of weird; being blindfolded depends on your senses to guide you. When taking the pictures, I followed by touching and realizing where I was. It was somewhat challenging to trust my sense, especially when the main one was blindfolded; the only one I mainly depended on was touch and hearing of my surroundings. I was surprised how some of the photos turned out; some turned out good, and others not so much.

This photo was taken with a Nikon D5000, 18-55mm lens

Editing: texture 2%, exposure -3%, saturation 5%

This photo was taken with a Nikon D3500, 18-55mm lens.

Editing: exposure -10%, whites 5%, texture 100%

This photo was taken with a Nikon D3500, 18-55mm lens.

Editing: texture 100%, exposure -5, highlights 5%



