Family Heritage

While working on the family heritage project, i decided to show my family heritage through sports, art, religion, family gatherings, and parties.

This photograph is a collage of photos from family gatherings, my family gatherings is every month where we just hang out and listen to music.
This is another collage with instruments and canvases. In my family everyone has a passion for art weather it be instruments, singing, painting, photography, or dancing.
This is a picture of a birthday cake. In my family we take every birthday seriously, since there’s a lot of people in my family we have birthdays party’s 2-4 times a month.
This is a photograph of one of my family members at a football game. Football is a part of family tradition and so is others sports like, basketball and track, but mostly football. I created this photo by editing it in Adobe Fresco and adding an animation to it.
This last photograph is a picture of a church window. I put theses verses on there because it relates to my family. In my family it’s a tradition to go to church and to pass it down to many generation.



