Silhouette Project

In this class assignment we learned about silhouette, and how to use objects and lights to make the image that portrays to a silhouette.

For this photo I put pay shutter speed to 1/400 sec at f/14, with an ISO of 100.
For this photo i shot towards the sunlight to get the silhouette look. my shutter speed was 1/1250 sec at f/13, and the ISO was at 100.
In this photo the shutter peed was 1/250 sec at f/8, with the ISO of 125.
For this image I put my shutter speed to 1/400 sec at f/14, with an ISO of 100.
Since this image was directly towards light I did not have to mess with the shutter speed or ISO that much. The shutter speed was 1/60 sec at f/10, with an ISO of 200.



