Capstone Project Blog #2

My goal for this image was to change the lighting. Initially, the photo looks very dull, and there is not much light on her face where you can see her expression. So, for this image, I lighten her face in Photoshop and the balloons to make it pop. I also lightened her dress to give it a pop of color. I want her to stand out, so I also darken the image’s background. I wanted this image to tell her story for her 40th birthday. One of my challenges was working on the lighting for her skin. I had to set the transparency at a certain level so her face wouldn’t come out too orange or washed out. I also had to take time to darken the background because if it darkens too much, it tends to be saturated. One of the things I learned from editing this image was to be patient and take time while editing.

Iso 200, f/5.3, 1/400 

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