
  • Capstone Project: Night photography and Nature photography

      Throughout this school year I started by practicing my nighttime skills, experimenting with different techniques like long exposure, slow shutter speeds, and high ISOs. It was like learning a new language it took some time and practice, but eventually, I started to feel more comfortable with my camera. As I dug deeper into nature…

  • Capstone Project Blog post 3

    I’ve been improving in my night photography and nature photography pictures using all my resources has helped so much. I still can’t get the right settings on the camera for night photography, but I approached it in a different way and started using my phone for night photos and got a couple good shots. I…

  • Capstone Project Evaluation 3

    I’ve been doing a lot of research on night photography, and I feel like I’ve gotten a little better with the night photography settings on the camera. With nature photography I’ve been doing really well. Nature photography isn’t as hard as night photography it’s easier to find the right nature settings for the camera but…

  • Capstone Project #2

    When I’m taking pictures at night and in nature, I start by finding cool spots during the day. My goal is to make awesome pictures that show off the beauty of nature when the sun goes down. I learned that taking pictures at night is totally different from daytime pics. You have to be patient…

  • Capstone Project Evaluation #2

    I’ve made progress on my proposal by doing lots of research and trying different techniques on night photography and nature photography.   This is my recent nature photo. I’ve been doing way better in nature photography than I was last year. My goal for this photo was to make the color pop more. The camera settings…

  • Capstone Project Blog Post #1

    When taking photos for nature photography, I made many mistakes and learned from them. My goal was to capture the beauty of nature in the natural world. My process involves researching places to take nature photos and paying close attention to the camera settings I use. I quickly learned the importance of adjusting my camera…

  • Capstone Project Proposal

  • Research Photography Genres and Photographers

    In this project, I did research on different types of photography and photographers. When researching, I found two genres and three photographers who did the photography I chose. The first genre that caught my attention was nature. I love the outdoors and nature in general. The second genre I found is night photography. When doing…

  • Selfies With a Twist

    This project I experienced different ways to take a selfie. My first step was to make a list of 25 things about me. I used that list to help me with my photos and ways to describe myself with the things on my list. For my photos I had to choose three ways to take…

  • Photo safari Project

    For this project I had to create a collage of five photos using five adjectives for my theme. For these pictures I choose the word little all of these pictures are flowers because I saw many tiny flowers. I experimented with two different f-stops, 8 and 22. for these pictures my exposure was -1 and…

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